OpenID Connect ROPC compliant server
This HOWTO describe how to configure an OpenID Connect ROPC client using Keycloak.
Your Keycloak server must be already setup.
Create a new client in your Realm
Using Admin web interface:
Important options:
- Client ID: signmykey (will be used in signmykey config file)
- Client Protocol: openid-connect
Client options
Important options:
- Client ID: signmykey
- Access Type: confidential
- Direct Access Grants Enabled: ON (This enables ROPC grant flow)
Grab Client Secret
Once you saved configuration with “Access Type: confidential”, you now have access to credentials.
Secret will be used in signmykey config file.
Create a protocol Mapper for groups
This option will provide groups to userinfo as “oidc-groups” entry.
Important options:
- Name: oidc-groups
- Mapper Type: Group Membership
- Token Claim Name: oidc-groups (will be used in signmykey config file)
- Full group path: OFF
- Add to ID token: OFF
- Add to access token: OFF
- Add to userinfo: ON